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Pedestrian behaviour survey



The study you are participating in deals with the understanding of pedestrian behaviour.


Pedestrian accidents amount to 30% of deadly accidents in France. 90% of road accidents are due to human factors (ONISR 2017), risk-taking, lack of concentration, and a bad use of available information. This questionnaire aims at implementing traffic assistance adapted to human behaviour.

We are trying to understand human ethology to maximize the efficiency of these adjustments in relation to profiles. The previous studies we led allowed us to identify different profiles of illegal crossings : pedestrians who voluntarily commit a violation by crossing, and those who cross at a red traffic light unintentionally by following one or several other pedestrians ahead. With the help of public and local stakeholders, we will implement experimental measures to reduce the level of those typical violations.


This questionnaire is a first step towards the understanding of factors affecting risk-taking and pedestrian red-light crossings. It consists of 40 questions divided into two parts : the first focusing on the assessment of different pictures (20 questions), and the second on your behaviour as a pedestrian (20 questions).

The length of this questionnaire amounts to roughly 15 minutes. Your involvement is paramount to the smooth running of this study as are your answers to each question. To do so, we ask you to answer each question carefully, as spontaneously and honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers.

Each questionnaire is personal and remains anonymous. By answering the questionnaire, you allow the collected data to be used for research in social science.

You can take whatever time you need to answer the questions. When you think you have finished answering a question, you can move on to the next without going back to your previous answer, and you must do so until the end of the questionnaire.


We thank you in advance for your collaboration and remain at your disposal.


Romane Vandroux, Marie Pelé and Cédric Sueur

Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, National Center for Scientific Research / University of Strasbourg

In collaboration with the Strasbourg SIRAC (Service de l’Information et de la Régulation Automatique de la Circulation) and ONISR (Ministère de l'Intérieur).

Ce questionnaire est anonyme.

L’enregistrement de vos réponses à ce questionnaire ne contient aucune information permettant de vous identifier, à moins que l’une des questions ne vous le demande explicitement.

Si vous avez utilisé un code pour accéder à ce questionnaire, soyez assuré qu'aucune information concernant ce code ne peut être enregistrée avec vos réponses. Il est géré sur une base séparée où il sera uniquement indiqué que vous avez (ou non) finalisé ce questionnaire. Il n’existe pas de moyen pour faire correspondre votre code à vos réponses sur ce questionnaire.