This questionnaire is part of the "Elevating Higher Education public policies : an empowering SPRIngboard" (HESPRI) project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. The results collected will be addressed in Work Package 1.
Estimated time: 15 minutes.
Dear participants,
We are an international team of researchers from Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kuwaït, Portugal, Republic of Moldova and Romania whose project aims to compare different Higher Education systems across member countries of HESPRI project. This study concerns the WP1 "Challenges for Higher Education in the 21st century". The goal of this group is to compare national higher education systems worldwide, in order to reveal tensions between various categories of values, shaped by global tendencies, identifiable in national and institutional policies and practices. The target audience is faculty members.
The project is coordinated by Professor Elisabeth Regnault, a teacher-researcher at INSPE, University of Strasbourg and a member of the LISEC laboratory in Strasbourg. The deputy coordinator is Professor Dong Kwang Kim, a professor at the Institute of Global Human Resource Development and a member of Okayama University.
Participation will involve completing an online questionnaire hosted on Limesurvey, estimated to take 15 minutes of your time. Please be assured that the information gathered will be held confidentially and used strictly for the purpose of this research.
We also emphasize that your participation is guaranteed to be anonymous. Your responses will not contain any identifying information about you unless a specific question within the survey explicitly asks for it. If you are willing to participate in our research, we kindly ask you to fill in the consent form provided at the beginning of the questionnaire. Any mention indicating the name and surname of a person is to be avoided in the free fields. Please prefer the function of the person.
We appreciate your time and look forward to your participation in our questionnaire study. Thank you in advance for your attention to our request.
For more information, please visit :
There are 63 questions in this survey.